WeCreativez WhatsApp Support
Il nostro team di assistenza clienti è qui per rispondere alle tue domande su WhatsApp. Chiedici qualsiasi cosa!
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Contact us

Our team in detail

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He will be your guide in the city, if you want him to be. He is the creator and coordinator of this small (in number) but big (in spirit) group that will be ready to give you all the support you need to make you feel good in Pescara.
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Easy-going, resourceful, empathetic, he will take care of welcoming you, giving you all the indications and suggestions to make you feel immediately at ease in our house.
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Attentive, diligent, discreet, she will take care of your room trying to make you find a fresh, clean and sanitized environment.
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Thoughtful, scrupulous and kind, always at your disposal to let you find an impeccable room.
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72 kg of softness, the mascot of our facilities, you might happen to meet him, he will try with discretion and delicacy to extort you a caress.

We look forward to welcoming you to one of our facilities.


Facilities available


Years of experience


Satisfied customers

What do they say about us?

Over the years we have welcomed thousands of people into our facilities, read the opinions of some of them.


3 Good reasons to book on our official website

1- The best prices available

On our official website we can guarantee you the best price

2- Secure transactions

Our payment system is protected by SSL certificate. You can use your debit or credit card without worries

3- Payment in installments

On our website you can pay for your stay in 3 installments using our partner Holipay